Category Archives: Two Minute Top 10s

Top 10 Kanto Pokémon

Two Minute Top 10s are a way for me to satiate my desire for writing lists on my opinions, while not getting stuck in over-thinking them. I get a topic and I spend no more than two minutes putting my top 10 together on that topic — it makes the lists personal and genuine. (I can then ramble on about why each thing is where for as long as I want!)

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Top 10 Movie Musicals

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Top 10 Star Trek Movies

Two Minute Top 10s are a way for me to satiate my desire for writing lists on my opinions, while not getting stuck in over-thinking or obsessively researching them. I get a topic and I spend as little time as possible putting my top 10 together on that topic — it makes the lists personal and genuine. (I can then ramble on about why each thing is where for as long as I want!)

This week’s Two Minute Top 10 is on my Top 10 Star Trek Movies. 

Be warned, this post contains minor spoilers for some of the films in the Star Trek series.

I am a huge Trekkie and have been for about as long as I can remember. So when starting this series, it made sense to start with what I know and love … and has loads of movies to put into order of favourites!

Don’t feel bad for the three that didn’t make the cut. I still love them … just … less than the others. This is part of the reason I don’t have children.


10. Star Trek: Generations

The first movie to feature The Next Generation’s characters — with a handover from the original series crew — is good. It’s enjoyable and I have fond memories of watching it when it first came out. But in terms of rewatchability and fun, I don’t feel like it’s one of the strongest options. 


9. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

The Undiscovered Country is good. While it has many great moments, the TOS cast were starting to seem a bit long in the tooth for galavanting around the galaxy fighting Klingons and making hangover jokes. 

But as a whole The Undiscovered Country remains a fun murder mystery through space that’s worth a mention. 


8. Star Trek

There is a moment in 2009’s Star Trek when the Enterprise comes out of nowhere to save the day and the music swells — I have seen that moment dozens of times and it still makes my chest tighten in excitement and warm fuzzies.

I love the new cast, I love the updates and I love way they managed to incorporate Leonard Nimoy in a way that made sense. 

This film is an amazing reboot and the following films in the series only get better. 


7. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

While widely panned, I found The Final Frontier to be a great space adventure despite being a little bit cheesy. Let’s face it, if we didn’t love a little bit of cheese, we wouldn’t be here talking about Star Trek

Also, what does God need with a starship?


6. Star Trek: Insurrection

From the opening scenes where Captain Picard juggles diplomatic tasks and a flurry of requests while lamenting ‘Does anyone remember when we used to be explorers?’ Insurrection represents so much I love about the Star Trek series. 


5. Star Trek Into Darkness

Star Trek Into Darkness has a fair amount of fan service in it but still does a fantastic job of inverting the universe from which this timeline has diverged.

You can feel the camaraderie growing with the cast members and that shows in the character portrayals, which is something the other casts never really needed to work on because they’d already spent years working together. 


4. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Undeniably a classic. The crew are fantastic and the story is on point with the return of a villain from the series.

Shout out to one of the ickiest bugs in the universe. 


3. Star Trek Beyond

The pinnacle of the Star Trek reboot before it came to a screeching halt, Star Trek Beyond has the action and sex appeal that draw modern audiences while maintaining the heart and humour Trek fans know and love. 

Idris Elba is an incredible villain and the incorporation of Nimoy’s real life death into the franchise was done with great respect. The crew have continued to grow together and it is a shame that, at this stage, it seems unlikely we will see any further adventures from them. 


2. Star Trek: First Contact

The Borg are one of my favourite villains and the emotions they stir for Captain Picard and his crew are wonderfully portrayed in First Contact. Plus time travel and the guy who invented warp drive a bum — zany adventures ensue! 


1. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

I feel like if you are a Trekkie, your favourite TOS movie is either Wrath of Khan or The Voyage Home. I am definitely Team Save the Whales. It might be because it is one of the first Trek movies I remember seeing or because I love that the reason why the Enterprise crew has to embark on this mission is so specific and unlikely. The aliens visiting one species of whales unlikely, not the whales going extinct … the latter is a very real and terrifying possibility. 

If you have a different take or would like to suggest a subject for my Two Minute Top 10s, drop a comment here or hit me up on Twitter!