About GCT

Gotham City Times is run by CJ, a pop culture devotee who is happiest watching any incarnation of Star Trek, reading Stephen King or Joe Hill novels, viewing great movies [primarily action, horror, adventure or Disney] or flipping through a DC comic.

Dream jobs would include: Starfleet Captain, joining the Green Lantern Corps, Pokémon Master, Disney Princess or plumber for the Mushroom Kingdom.

In the real world, CJ is just living her best nerd life one day at a time.

Catch up with CJ on Twitter.


What’s the deal with the rating system?

Despite a love of terrible b-grade natural horror films, CJ found it odd that she had given the same rating to Zombeavers as was awarded to Beauty and the Beast. Both films are entertaining but in vastly different ways. So instead, a new rating system was born wherein b-grade movies are rated based on enjoyment (despite awfulness) in blocks of cheese and other films are rated with a standard star rating system.

5 Cheese ≠ 5 Stars


Guest Writers


Liz is a thirty something fangirl who is obsessed with Harry Potter, cross stitching and all things young adult fiction. Seriously, she’s out of control when it comes to those things.

She also loves period dramas, whether it’s a Jane Austen book, adaptation or Downton Abbey, she loves everything to do with history and the UK.

If Liz could live anywhere in the world, real or fictional, she would split her time between Hogwarts, Downton Abbey, the New York Institute and Pemberley.



Kris is a writer, editor and lifelong video game player who found his way to GCT after they were kind enough to review his novels.

Number cruncher, cricket fan and unabashed Japanophile, he can generally be found somewhere between Norwich, London and Kyoto, grumbling about international politics and telling long-winded stories about the 1980s.

Kris’ pop culture best friend of choice would be one of: Cara Delevigne, Timbaland or Kim Pine (From Scott Pilgrim vs. The World).

Catch up with Kris on Twitter.

Resistance is Futile.